March 9

God, teach me to number my days

So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.  Psalm 90:12

Hour Glass
Hour Glass

Have you ever had so much to do you wind up doing nothing?  That describes where I have been the last week with my posts here.

There have been so many different things I wanted to write about and I ended up writing nothing.  FYI, we have some exciting announcements coming in the next few weeks concerning One Drop of Blood.  (See how thoughts just bounce around in your head)

Time is the one thing each one of us has the exact same amount of each day.  Another gift we all have in common is God’s grace and while we are at it, we all have been given THE measure of faith. (Romans 12:13) As I look at time, God’s grace, and the measure of faith the thing that separates people in this world is how we appropriate these three elements into our lives.

What would make you value these “gifts” each day?  I once thought while meditating on God’s word.  God teach me to number my days, and almost immediately I got the thought, “If you had been given 6 months to live you would learn to number your days” . (The number would be 180)

WOW, where did that thought come from?  This is an observation- Older people seem to be in less of a hurry.  The very people with the least amount of time left on Earth are the very people I do not want to get behind while driving.

Why do most older people seem to be more relaxed about “wasting” time?  How can they just sit there on a park bench and watch the birds?  I may not have it all figured out but some of my best days are when I relax into the day, instead of  trying to conqueror the day.

Part of the reason is God made us human beings, not human doings. Try today to enjoy just being here on Earth.  Look at what God created and let the wonder of it all take your breath away.  That is a little more touchy, feely than I like but I feel like it needs to be said.  (Still don’t think I can sit on a bench and watch birds.)

Going to Florida next week, so I am going to try and post some things from my phone. (That will be a huge deal for me, I tend to be technologically challenged)

Until next time, remember: You overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony, and by becoming a living sacrifice. Revelation 12:11


Bible Teaching, Bible Verse, God, Holy Spirit

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